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Everything you need to know to secure the right job and negotiate the highest salary in Investment Banking.

Step-by-step support from initial application to interview technique and final offer.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Can ENTHUSIASM really give you that edge over your competitors?

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

What is enthusiasm? Enthusiasm is contagious. Getting excited. Being passionate. It’s one of those things that you know when you see it and other people know when you have it.

I have genuine enthusiasm and how do I know? Because I've been told over and over again and luckily for me this is something that comes natural, I'm an optimist and my glass is always half full and I'm also very passionate and get very excited about the people I choose to work with.

Over the years I've held and attended hundreds of meetings with my clients to include both employees and employers and I can't remember a single time when I've successfully assisted someone who lacked entusiasm either for the job they were hiring for or the job that they were interviewing. I can't help but to get excited for my clients and I firmly believe that YES, enthusiasm really can give you the edge over your competitors whether you are the potential employee or employer.

Enthusiasm + Passion = Rapport = Successful Professional Relationships

During an interview enthusiasm comes through in the way that you talk, your facial expressions, the way you dress and your posture.

Would you feel confident in the interviewer if they talked quietly, didn’t look you in the eye, had a weak handshake, didn't smile, slouched, and dressed like a slob?

Take a look at the following 5 techniques that will keep you focused and ensure that you come across oozing with the enthusiasm of a strong candidate whether you are looking to move internally with your existing employer or external with a new company:

1. Enthusiasm when you speak

By increasing the volume, the pitch, and the speed when you talk it will also improve your enthusiasm on the inside. Before an interview think of something you are enthusiastic about and keep this thought in your mind whenever you feel your enthusiasm is lacking.

2. Enthusiasm can become a habit

Ensure that you practice good interview habits to covey your enthusiasm to the interviewer by standing up straight, smiling, giving a firm handshake, and eye contact REMEMBER you have to believe in what you want to be enthusiastic about. If you don't believe in something, and you try to be enthused, you will come across to others as being phony. If you believe, your enthusiasm will be genuine.

3. Retaining enthusiasm in your job search

The longer you spend looking for work, the harder it can become to retain your enthusiasm for your job search. Whilst you can´t help feeling defeated at times after submitting dozens of applications and attending numerous interviews you need to find ways to motivate yourself, you have to find your inner passion again and again.

If you’ve been looking for work for a while then find an interest that you are passionate about. Even if your interest is not relevant to the job you are looking for then by spending time in the interests that you love will help give you the energy you need for your interviews

4. Retaining enthusiasm during the interview

If you no longer feel enthused with your answers or questions then the interviewer will also become bored senseless too! In each interview you need to find something to be enthusiastic about. It could be changing your answer or asking a different question. You need to show the interviewer how you will solve their problem by hiring you and above all you have to be enthusiastic about it!

5. Maintaining your enthusiasm

Before attending an interview read something that inspires you or watch a movie that gets your enthusiasm going.

Write out your goals and dreams. I have created a `Dream Chart´ with my 6 year old daughter, we’ve created a chart with pictures of things we want now and in the future. By visualising our goals and dreams each day we feel enthusiastic to take the appropriate action.

There are plenty of ways you can motivate your enthusiasm and they don’t always have to be difficult they can be simple too!

“Enthusiasm makes ordinary people extraordinary."

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 11 November 2010

R is for...Rapport

“People buy people before they buy products and services”

As Sun Tzu once said, “What you believe about yourself, the world will believe about you" So, before you sell yourself in an interview you first have to sell yourself on yourself because if you don’t like you then who will?

As an employer and a recruiter I’ve been guilty of hiring and assisting those people that I initially build a good rapport with rather than those who were just technically qualified for the role. It generally takes me seconds and no more than a couple of minutes to form my opinion of someone, this may be hasty of me however I generally have faith in my initial judgment.

Ask yourself “What do people really think about me when they meet me for the first time?” Why not ask your partner, friends and especially those friends that you’ve recently acquainted or colleagues that you work with. However, be careful not to criticise their point of view on you when asking for their truthful opinion!

When attending interviews it’s important that you build a good rapport and that you make a positive first impression as you won’t get that chance again. Take a look at the following 7 points that will ensure that you make a lasting impression and help you to build a good rapport with a potential employer:

1) Eye Contact - First impressions count so smile genuinely and maintain eye contact when saying “hello” to everyone you meet including the receptionist on arrival, the security guard on the door and your interviewer and his/her PA. Build an instant rapport.

2) Shake Hands - When shaking hands avoid a limp handshake but on the reverse do not grip too hard. Practice with a friend until you feel confident that your handshake will make a good first impression

3) Dress – It’s important for you to dress appropriately for an interview. How we look is the first thing that people notice about us and looking professional and ready to start work will clearly give an edge over someone else who hasn’t made the effort. I would always encourage for you to attend both internal and external interviews in smart business dress even if you know that the company has a policy of ‘dress down’

4) Be Polite – Mind your “Ps and Qs” in other words "mind your manners", "mind your language", "be on your best behaviour" remember to say “Please” and “Thank-you” to everyone that you meet.

5) Use People’s Names – How many times have you met someone for the first time and after speaking to that person for just a few minutes you have completely forgotten their name? How often has someone you have just met spoken to you and called you by your name, how good did this make you feel? If you are someone who forgets name’s after being introduced and don’t worry as you are not alone, I too have had difficulties remembering and to overcome this frustration of mine I always ensure that when speaking to a new person that I mention their name 3 times in conversation. It takes practice so try it where ever possible.

6) Offer Compliments - If you feel it appropriate and you genuinely like the products, services or ethics of the company you are interviewing then don’t hold back or be afraid to offer a compliment as it will help you to build good rapport.

7) Authenticity and Consistency - What are your passions, desires and dreams? In order to build a good rapport you have to be real, genuine and not false. Don’t try and portray yourself as someone who you think your interviewer might want you to be. Whilst you still have to remain professional during an interview if you can’t be yourself then the company or department isn’t for you. Imagine starting a new job and having to be someone else all day. Have you ever met a colleague out of work and thought to yourself “He or She is a completely different person!”

"The only thing people judge about you is how an engagement with you makes them feel." By Seth Godin http://www.sethgodin.com/

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.