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Everything you need to know to secure the right job and negotiate the highest salary in Investment Banking.

Step-by-step support from initial application to interview technique and final offer.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Recession, a blessing in disguise?

A contingency plan…why would we possibly need a contingency plan???

I can honestly say that the recession of the early 1990’s had no effect on my life what so ever. My father a policeman and my mother a housewife with 4 children to support, always managed, and still do live within their means. Don’t get me wrong, as children we never went without and enjoyed holidays abroad every year, we would jump into the caravan, drive through France and spend 4 weeks on the coast in Spain.

I’m the eldest of four children and I have two sisters and one brother, my sisters both live in Perth, Australia and my brother in South London, my parents retired to Spain some years ago.

I’ve always been very independent and at the age of fifteen I secured a Saturday job at with a company called Bejams or now known as Iceland Frozen Foods.

I left school in 1990 to go to work at the age of 17 and I worked for Harrods, I worked long hours and weekends too and after a year I decided that I had better things to do at weekends and wanted a 9-5 job instead!

So…back in those days I hand wrote 100 letters, sent my CV to the City Banks and started my banking career with National Australia Bank and got a taste for City Life…

I bought a brand new car at the age of 18 and my first house by the time I was 20. Everything was great and a decade later I found myself self employed and running a successful City Recruitment Business with my husband and his business partner. Life couldn’t be better.

In early 2008, the builders had moved in and had started knocking through the back of our house as planned, the kids were in full time day nursery and business was great, why would we need a contingency plan?

And then it happened, overnight, totally unexpected Lehman Brother’s collapsed and the UK followed the US into a Global Recession. Business started to dry up very fast and so did the bank account, where was our contingency plan...that’s right, we didn’t have one!

So now, I’m 35 with 2 young children to support and a modest mortgage and lifestyle to maintain.

My world was starting to crack around me. Having no income for the first time in 20 years meant that I had to make some serious changes to my life.

I sat and hoped for months and do you know what happened? That’s right nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

My confidence had been knocked sideways, my self esteem was lower than low, so what did I do?

Firstly, I had to get back my CONFIDENCE and SELF BELIEF. I had to get back on the road to success. So I wrote down my goals and started to devise a plan

Secondly, I had to identify what it was that I LOVE about my job.

Thirdly, I had to stop making excuses, doing nothing and instead change my mindset and take ACTION.

It’s been hard, probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to deal with both physically and mentally.

We are all faced with challenges at some stage in our lives and with no work for over a year, 2009 for me was definitely a life changing experience although it took me almost a year to realize!

The recession has highlighted to me what’s important in my life, where I should focus my time and energies.

And although it’s been challenging at times the time I have spent with my children has been amazing, I’ve learnt so much about myself and wouldn’t change any part of the past couple of years.

Out of the recession I created my new business Chilli Pepper, mentoring individual’s through the job seeking process when looking to move internally with their existing employer or externally with a new employer.

I’ve embraced the change and feel a whole lot better for it!

As once said by Martin Luther King, Jr.

“The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand in times of challenge and controversy.”

For me the recession was a blessing in disguise!

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Friday 3 December 2010

Will it always be a Man’s World?

“Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry!”

A couple of weeks ago I was very fortunate to be able to attend the 30th Anniversary of Women in Banking and Finance (WIBF) http://www.wibf.org.uk/ held at the House of Lords in Westminster. I listened with great interest to guest speaker and Patron, Baroness Fritichie who talked about a number of changes which have greatly improved the rights and status for women in the 21st century.

Did you know?
  • It was in 1973 that women were admitted onto the floors of the London Stock Exchange for the first time.
  • From 1975 it was made illegal to sack women for becoming pregnant.
  • Barbara Castle as Secretary of State for Employment introduced the Equal Pay bill which was enacted in 1975 together with the Sex Discrimination Act. This Act made it illegal to discriminate against women in employment, education and training.
  • In 1979 Margaret Thatcher became the first female Prime Minister.

The banking industry was soon to become one of the largest employers of women but still the number of women in senior managerial positions was less than 1%.

This figure has risen over the years and according to a recent article in the FT.com at 13.6% the UK has the sixth highest proportion of women at board level in Europe, however this figure accounts for just one woman on the board in 84% of British companies and only 17.5% have more than three so will this figure improve over the coming years?

The European Commission has warned this year that if companies did not move voluntarily to ensure gender balance on executive boards, it might force them to do so. Read the complete article http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5bbf3712-f0ec-11df-bf4b-00144feab49a.html#ixzz15Od8p6ws

Whilst it would seem that women have come a long way in a ‘Man’s World’ they still have a distance to go until they achieve equality.

Baroness Fritichie ended her speech with the following poem which she wrote about 15 years ago when she reflected on the life that she had intended to live!

Someday My Prince Will Come

Someday my prince will come they said when I was small.
Brave and true, kind and strong, handsome, dark and tall.
I’m only a woman doing my best, waiting for my turn.
Supporting, listening, smiling, nodding, and knowing I have much to learn.
Only men could do the tough stuff, telling others what to do.
I just ran the home, the kids, my job, filled the larder, cleaned the loo.
Along the way I met some stars, pretenders who didn’t tarry.
And then one day I realised I’d become the man I wanted to marry!
By Rennie Fritichie 1996

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Can ENTHUSIASM really give you that edge over your competitors?

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

What is enthusiasm? Enthusiasm is contagious. Getting excited. Being passionate. It’s one of those things that you know when you see it and other people know when you have it.

I have genuine enthusiasm and how do I know? Because I've been told over and over again and luckily for me this is something that comes natural, I'm an optimist and my glass is always half full and I'm also very passionate and get very excited about the people I choose to work with.

Over the years I've held and attended hundreds of meetings with my clients to include both employees and employers and I can't remember a single time when I've successfully assisted someone who lacked entusiasm either for the job they were hiring for or the job that they were interviewing. I can't help but to get excited for my clients and I firmly believe that YES, enthusiasm really can give you the edge over your competitors whether you are the potential employee or employer.

Enthusiasm + Passion = Rapport = Successful Professional Relationships

During an interview enthusiasm comes through in the way that you talk, your facial expressions, the way you dress and your posture.

Would you feel confident in the interviewer if they talked quietly, didn’t look you in the eye, had a weak handshake, didn't smile, slouched, and dressed like a slob?

Take a look at the following 5 techniques that will keep you focused and ensure that you come across oozing with the enthusiasm of a strong candidate whether you are looking to move internally with your existing employer or external with a new company:

1. Enthusiasm when you speak

By increasing the volume, the pitch, and the speed when you talk it will also improve your enthusiasm on the inside. Before an interview think of something you are enthusiastic about and keep this thought in your mind whenever you feel your enthusiasm is lacking.

2. Enthusiasm can become a habit

Ensure that you practice good interview habits to covey your enthusiasm to the interviewer by standing up straight, smiling, giving a firm handshake, and eye contact REMEMBER you have to believe in what you want to be enthusiastic about. If you don't believe in something, and you try to be enthused, you will come across to others as being phony. If you believe, your enthusiasm will be genuine.

3. Retaining enthusiasm in your job search

The longer you spend looking for work, the harder it can become to retain your enthusiasm for your job search. Whilst you can´t help feeling defeated at times after submitting dozens of applications and attending numerous interviews you need to find ways to motivate yourself, you have to find your inner passion again and again.

If you’ve been looking for work for a while then find an interest that you are passionate about. Even if your interest is not relevant to the job you are looking for then by spending time in the interests that you love will help give you the energy you need for your interviews

4. Retaining enthusiasm during the interview

If you no longer feel enthused with your answers or questions then the interviewer will also become bored senseless too! In each interview you need to find something to be enthusiastic about. It could be changing your answer or asking a different question. You need to show the interviewer how you will solve their problem by hiring you and above all you have to be enthusiastic about it!

5. Maintaining your enthusiasm

Before attending an interview read something that inspires you or watch a movie that gets your enthusiasm going.

Write out your goals and dreams. I have created a `Dream Chart´ with my 6 year old daughter, we’ve created a chart with pictures of things we want now and in the future. By visualising our goals and dreams each day we feel enthusiastic to take the appropriate action.

There are plenty of ways you can motivate your enthusiasm and they don’t always have to be difficult they can be simple too!

“Enthusiasm makes ordinary people extraordinary."

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 11 November 2010

R is for...Rapport

“People buy people before they buy products and services”

As Sun Tzu once said, “What you believe about yourself, the world will believe about you" So, before you sell yourself in an interview you first have to sell yourself on yourself because if you don’t like you then who will?

As an employer and a recruiter I’ve been guilty of hiring and assisting those people that I initially build a good rapport with rather than those who were just technically qualified for the role. It generally takes me seconds and no more than a couple of minutes to form my opinion of someone, this may be hasty of me however I generally have faith in my initial judgment.

Ask yourself “What do people really think about me when they meet me for the first time?” Why not ask your partner, friends and especially those friends that you’ve recently acquainted or colleagues that you work with. However, be careful not to criticise their point of view on you when asking for their truthful opinion!

When attending interviews it’s important that you build a good rapport and that you make a positive first impression as you won’t get that chance again. Take a look at the following 7 points that will ensure that you make a lasting impression and help you to build a good rapport with a potential employer:

1) Eye Contact - First impressions count so smile genuinely and maintain eye contact when saying “hello” to everyone you meet including the receptionist on arrival, the security guard on the door and your interviewer and his/her PA. Build an instant rapport.

2) Shake Hands - When shaking hands avoid a limp handshake but on the reverse do not grip too hard. Practice with a friend until you feel confident that your handshake will make a good first impression

3) Dress – It’s important for you to dress appropriately for an interview. How we look is the first thing that people notice about us and looking professional and ready to start work will clearly give an edge over someone else who hasn’t made the effort. I would always encourage for you to attend both internal and external interviews in smart business dress even if you know that the company has a policy of ‘dress down’

4) Be Polite – Mind your “Ps and Qs” in other words "mind your manners", "mind your language", "be on your best behaviour" remember to say “Please” and “Thank-you” to everyone that you meet.

5) Use People’s Names – How many times have you met someone for the first time and after speaking to that person for just a few minutes you have completely forgotten their name? How often has someone you have just met spoken to you and called you by your name, how good did this make you feel? If you are someone who forgets name’s after being introduced and don’t worry as you are not alone, I too have had difficulties remembering and to overcome this frustration of mine I always ensure that when speaking to a new person that I mention their name 3 times in conversation. It takes practice so try it where ever possible.

6) Offer Compliments - If you feel it appropriate and you genuinely like the products, services or ethics of the company you are interviewing then don’t hold back or be afraid to offer a compliment as it will help you to build good rapport.

7) Authenticity and Consistency - What are your passions, desires and dreams? In order to build a good rapport you have to be real, genuine and not false. Don’t try and portray yourself as someone who you think your interviewer might want you to be. Whilst you still have to remain professional during an interview if you can’t be yourself then the company or department isn’t for you. Imagine starting a new job and having to be someone else all day. Have you ever met a colleague out of work and thought to yourself “He or She is a completely different person!”

"The only thing people judge about you is how an engagement with you makes them feel." By Seth Godin http://www.sethgodin.com/

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 23 September 2010

E is for…Experience

“When a company with money meets a person with experience, the person with the experience winds up with the money and the company with the money winds up with the experience”

It’s useful to know that no matter how strong your experience, qualifications and expertise your success will depend on how well you perform during the interview.

As an ‘icebreaker’ the interviewer may well ask “tell me about yourself”

In this case this is not an opportunity to tell your life story but instead it’s an opportunity for you to tell your professional story within 60 seconds. A ‘60 second pitch’ or an ‘elevator speech’ is a quick overview of your skill set and experience which can be shared with another person whilst in an elevator!

Your ‘elevator speech’ should be short and last for no less than 30 seconds and no more than 60 seconds. In this time you should be able to introduce yourself, explain what you do, what you can offer and why you should be hired.

Informing the person with just enough information to “hook” them in will leave them wanting to know more about you.

Take a look at the following 5 tips that will help you to create and perfect a winning 60 second speech during an interview, whether you are looking to move internally with your existing employer or external with a new company:

1) Too Long – It’s called a 60 second speech for a reason and whilst it’s very easy to speak for longer make sure that you stick to the allocated 60 seconds

2) STAR – Spend a couple of hours writing down five to ten work or personal experiences. These experiences should follow the STAR technique Situation or Task, Action and Result. What was the situation or task, what did you do, and what happened? Before the interview takes place think about what one of your experiences is appropriate to mention in your 60 second speech

3) Clear Language – Don’t try and be smart by using fancy words or industry jargon, use language that everyone understands. If your interviewer doesn’t understand what you’re saying then you will loose them and the opportunity.

4) Practice – Imagine an actor performing on stage without practicing his lines, remember that when you’re in an interview you are also on stage so be sure to practice. Practice your speech out loud whilst at home, perhaps in the shower! Stand in front of a mirror and practice until you feel comfortable and your speech feels natural.

5) Feedback – Ask a friend to listen to your speech, what did they remember and at what point did they stop listening?

Above all be authentic in your speech, show passion and enthusiasm. If however, your passion and enthusiasm is elsewhere other than your existing day job then it could be that you don’t know enough about the role so why not build on your knowledge and experience. By attending training courses, taking professional qualifications or just by sitting with a colleague you can build on your existing skill set. If on the other hand your enthusiasm lies within another interest then look at ways as to how you can build your knowledge and experience further within this field, create a plan that will enable you to perhaps make a living from your interest!

“Experience is more important than money”

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Friday 17 September 2010

P is for…Personal Brand

“Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room”

When creating your personal brand ask yourself “What does my name say about me?” If you were to put your name into a Google search engine what information could a potential employer find out about you on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or perhaps even your Blog?

It’s important for you to know that it’s becoming more and more common for recruiters and potential employers to Google names of individuals and make up their own assumptions before they even consider a meet.

So, bearing this in mind it goes without saying that when looking for work it’s vital for you to portray a professional image. Below I have listed 5 different ways in which you can start creating your personal brand:

Be Authentic What are your passions, desires and dreams? In order to be authentic you have to be real, genuine and not false. You should be able to provide evidence and facts with regards to your experience and show that you are reliable and trustworthy too.

Contact Details You must ensure that an email address or a mobile answer message is simple and professional. Create a simple Yahoo or Google email address and remember to check this on a daily basis when looking for work.

Social Networking Be aware of anything derogatory on Facebook and if need be ask your friends to take down photos that include you. If you haven’t already then I would recommend that you set up and complete your profile on LinkedIn, a social network for professionals www.linkedin.com

Tell Your Story Prepare and practise a 30 second speech or pitch so that you can explain what sets you apart from other candidates, what makes you different.

Personal Appearance It’s important that the clothes you wear portray the image you want to give. I would recommend that you always attend both internal and external interviews in smart business dress even if you know that they have a policy of ‘dress down’

Branding Test

1. Identify three brands that you like and write them down on a piece of paper

2. Why do you like them? Write down specific reasons for liking each one.

3. Do you notice any common themes across all of your three brands? You may have chosen your brands because they represent “quality” or “reliability.” The traits that come up repeatedly are likely to match your own personal brand values.

4. Now that you know some of your personal brand values, use them as the basis of messages that you could use to advance your career. Write down your brand messages.

5. Review your brand messages. Are they powerful and convincing? Why not show them to your boss, close colleagues or perhaps even your clients and ask them for honest feedback.

Leave a good impression and start to create your personal brand now.

A good read is a book called ‘Brand YOU’ written by John Purkiss and David Royston-Lee


Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global www.chillipepperglobal.com advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Friday 10 September 2010

P is for...Practice

“When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you come up against that someone he/she will win”

Why is it that we practice certain skills in so many areas of our life? We practice our driving technique before we take a test, actors practice their lines before the actual take, expectant mothers practice childbirth before labour and Tennis Players practice their shots before a game.

And yet for some reason job seekers spend no time at all practicing for an interview?

I often hear from people that they didn’t have the time to practice for their all important job interview and if successful will enable them to work in a better role that will lead to a higher income and therefore a life with more choices and job satisfaction.

Unless a serial job hopper then you can assume that a majority of people haven’t interviewed for a while, sometimes 2 or 3 years or even more than 10 Years. Think back to when you were at school or university how much time did you spend practicing the answers for your exams? Did you receive the results you had hoped for or can you now own up after all these years and acknowledge that perhaps you didn’t practice enough?

Preparation = Practice and Practice = Preparation

Preparing for an interview is different from practicing for an interview however when time has been taken to do both they equal the same and enhance the interviewees chances of success.

“It takes a skill to interview and it takes practice to build a skill”

Taking the time to practice for an interview is essential for all job seekers. Below I have listed 5 different ways in which you can practice your interview skills:

1) STAR - Practice your stories by using the STAR technique, Situation or Task, Action and Result.

Take a sheet of A4 paper and divide it into 4 boxes. At the top of the page write a question for example “Tell me about a time when you have changed someone’s mind” in each of the 4 boxes place an S, T, A, R – each box will tell part of your story

What was the Situation or Task, be brief, two sentences will be acceptable
What Action(s) did you take and why did you take them
What were the Results for you and those around you and remember win/win

2) Record Yourself - Practice your interview answers by recording yourself until you feel confident with the answer you hear.

It may seem strange however try reciting a nursery rhyme at first for example Mary had a little lamb…and notice the difference in the way you project your voice after the third attempt

3) Mirror - Observe your body language and expressions by saying your answers out loud in front of a mirror

Even better use a webcam if you have one, you can buy one for less than £10!

4) Role Play – By role playing an interview situation it allows you to practice being your worst over and over again

Ask a friend / colleague to help you role play the interview and ask that person to listen, be honest and provide you with constructive feedback. Remember not to take feedback personally as others will hide their true thoughts

5) Telephone – arrange to call a friend / colleague the day before your interview, give them a list of 5-8 questions and ask them to give you a quick practice session

Practicing your answers to questions the day before an interview will help you to refresh your mind and can make a huge difference on the interview day

REMEMBER The interviewer will be preparing questions for you, do yourself justice and practice the answers!

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

E is for...Enthusiasm (Part One)

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

What is enthusiasm? Enthusiasm is contagious. Getting excited. Being passionate. It’s one of those things that you know when you see it and other people know when you have it.

During an interview enthusiasm comes through in the way that you talk, your facial expressions, the way that you dress and your posture. Would you feel confident in the interviewer if they talked quietly, didn’t look you in the eye, had a weak handshake, didn't smile, slouched, and dressed like a slob?

Take a look at the following 5 techniques that will keep you focused to ensure that you come across oozing with the enthusiasm of a strong candidate whether you are looking to move internally with your existing employer or external with a new company:

1. Enthusiasm when you speak By increasing the volume, the pitch, and the speed when you talk it will also improve your enthusiasm on the inside. Before an interview think of something you are enthusiastic about and keep this thought in your mind whenever you feel your enthusiasm is lacking.

2. Enthusiasm can become a habit Ensure that you practice good interview habits to covey your enthusiasm to the interviewer by standing up straight, smiling, giving a firm handshake, and eye contact

REMEMBER you have to believe in what you want to be enthusiastic about. If you don't believe in something, and you try to be enthused, you will come across to others as being phony. If you believe, your enthusiasm will be genuine.

3. Enthusiasm in your job search The longer you spend looking for work, the harder it can become to retain your enthusiasm for your job search. Whilst you can´t help feeling defeated at times after submitting dozens of applications and attending numerous interviews you need to find ways to motivate yourself, you have to find your inner passion again and again.

If you’ve been looking for work for a while then find an interest that you are passionate about. Even if your interest is not relevant to the job you are looking for then by spending time in the interests that you love will help give you the energy you need for your interviews

4. Enthusiasm during the interview If you no longer feel enthused with your answers or questions then the interviewer will also become bored senseless too! In each interview you need to find something to be enthusiastic about. It could be changing your answer or asking a different question. You need to show the interviewer how you will solve their problem by hiring you and above all you have to be enthusiastic about it!

5. Maintaining your enthusiasm Before attending an interview read something that inspires you or watch a movie that gets your enthusiasm going.

Write out your goals and dreams. I have created a `Dream Chart´ with my 6 year old daughter, we’ve created a chart with pictures of things we want now and in the future. By visualising our goals and dreams each day we have enthusiasm to take the appropriate actions.

There are plenty of ways you can motivate your enthusiasm and they don’t always have to be difficult they can be simple too!

“Enthusiasm makes ordinary people extraordinary."

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/
advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally with your existing employer or externally

Monday 9 August 2010

P is for...Preparation

“By failing to prepare you prepare to fail”

Why is it that we can sometimes take months to prepare for a wedding, move house, go on holiday or to take an exam or a driving test and yet for some reason job seekers take hardly anytime at all to prepare for an interview?

Too often I hear from people that they didn’t have the time to prepare for the all important job interview that will enable them to work in a better role that will lead to a higher income and therefore a life with more choices and job satisfaction.

Unless a serial job hopper then you can assume that most people haven’t interviewed for a while, sometimes 2 or 3 years or even more than 10 Years. Think back to when you were at school or university how much time did you take to prepare for your exams? Did you receive the results you had hoped for or can you now own up after all these years and acknowledge that perhaps you didn’t prepare enough?

Preparation is essential for all job seekers and below I have listed 5 points to consider when you secure that all important interview:

1) Research the Company – If possible obtain an information pack form the human resources department. Look up the company’s website and research the products and services they provide. What is their ‘Mission Statement’, who is their competition? The internet is a great source of information and you can set up a FREE Google Alerts http://www.google.com/alerts so that when an announcement has been made about the company you are interviewing, you will receive an email informing you. Imagine you found yourself stuck in the lift for five minutes with the MD – what would you say?


In order to build a good rapport with the interviewer why not look them up on LinkedIn to find out if you have anything in common with them.

2) Read the Job Description – If you haven’t already received a copy then it’s important that you ask for one. How will you know if you’re right for the role if you don’t know what the company requires? Become familiar with both the job title and description, what skills and abilities are required for the role. Compare your experience and knowledge to the job description


There have been times when an individual has been given the wrong job description or the requirements have changed. Take a copy with you to the interview in case you’re not familiar with the role that the interviewer is describing.

3) Know Yourself – What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your qualities and skills? What are your career aspirations? What do you expect from an employer? How much commitment are you willing to give?


If unsure then speak to a colleague or friend who can help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, qualities and skills

3) Prepare Questions – Asking good questions will leave a good impression and put you ahead of your competition even if your skills are not 100%. It’s always advisable to have 10 strong questions that you can ask either throughout the interview or towards the end. As you will generally find that a number of your questions will be answered by the interviewer before getting the opportunity to ask.


If you have run out of questions to ask by the end of the interview then show the interviewer that you have listened with interest and ask for him / her to provide more information on a point that was mentioned during the interview.

4) Check Location – No feeling can be worse than realizing you’re at the wrong address just five minutes before the interview is scheduled to begin. Many companies in the City have more than one building so it’s always a good idea to check where you are going before heading off for an interview. Call up reception and make sure you’ve got the details absolutely clear.


Have a trial run! Public transport can be unpredictable, check on-line for station closures or delays. If at any point there’s the slightest chance you might be running late then call and inform the person who will be interviewing you.

5) Take time off work – Rushing to an interview during your lunch period is not advisable. You need to be fresh and prepared, not stressed and hungry. Besides, how can you possibly conduct a good interview while watching the clock? The interview itself is nerve-racking enough without having to worry about being late back from lunch.


If possible try and arrange and interview before or after work or even better take a half day so you have time to prepare.

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/
advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 29 July 2010

I is for...Internet

“They say a year in the Internet business is like a dog year… equivalent to seven years in a regular person's life. In other words, it's evolving fast and faster”

How would we cope if we didn’t have access to the Internet when seeking new job opportunities?

Well it wasn’t too long ago when I remember sending out dozens of handwritten letters attached with a hard copy of my CV. I met with a number of recruitment agencies and scanned through FREE weekly magazines that were distributed at the central train stations in London. There was Girl About Town, 9 to 5 and Midweek Magazine packed from front to back with job opportunities. I might be showing my age however it just goes to show how quickly times and methods of seeking new job opportunities have changed.

The internet has pages and pages of information to assist the Job Hunter, just by doing a Google search on the words ‘Interview’ brings up 361,000,000 results and ‘CV’ brings up 139,000,000 results!

Perhaps too much information at once but I feel it’s important to acknowledge that the internet provides information at your fingertips without having to leave the house or office.

Below I have outlined 5 ways in which by using the internet can benefit the Job Seeker:

1) Google - Using Google in your job search can be very beneficial whilst preparing for an interview. You can find out company information, directions to the offices, even search for the interviewers that you will be meeting. Many employers are now using Google to find out information on the person they will be interviewing so please ensure you remove anything that might change their views about you!

Top Tip
Did you know that you can set up FREE Google Alerts http://www.google.com/alerts so that when an announcement has been made about the company you are interviewing, you will receive an email informing you.

2) LinkedIn - With 80% of roles being filled via LinkedIn in the US it’s not if but when it happens in the UK. Many search firms in London are already using LinkedIn as their main source for finding suitable candidates so it’s important that you complete your profile to ensure that you can be found.

Top Tip
Before attending an interview search for your interviewer on LinkedIn in order to find out about the companies they have previously worked. Be careful not to make assumptions and I wouldn’t suggest you make contact at this stage!

3) Blogs – Creating a blog is simple and should a potential employer want to find out more about you on the internet what better way to make a good impression if they found your Blog. Make it interesting and perhaps write short articles on your industry knowledge and expertise, it’s sure to impress.

Top Tip
When looking to create a Blog use http://www.wordpress.com/ or http://www.blogger.com/

4) Job Sites – So, in my day it meant scanning through the FREE magazines now the internet has made job hunting so much easier with the invention of Job Sites. Both Recruitment Agencies and Employers use these sites to advertise their vacancies and you can often submit an application online. It’s fast and simple to use however make sure you are productive in your search and apply for roles that are suitable for your experience.

Top Tip
When sending an application via a job site then take the time to tailor your CV to the job specification. It’s better to send quality than quantity!

5) Company Sites – Go directly to each employer's Website and browse their current job vacancies. Since the recession many companies are now looking at ways to cut their recruitment costs and advertising roles directly on their own websites is one of the ways to do this.

Top Tip
The following website allows you to upload your details and companies can then contact you direct, recruitment agencies and search firms are not allowed to have access to this service

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Friday 23 July 2010

L is for...Letters

“Letters are among the most significant memory a person can leave behind them”

Throughout the job seeking process there are a number of opportunities for you to stand out from your competition by ensuring that you send a letter. Yes, a simple letter.

In today’s society we have become too busy to take the time to write a letter to a friend or relative either thanking them for a birthday gift or just to catch up on news. I remember when I was younger shortly after each birthday or Christmas I would have to sit down and handwrite letters to all my relatives thanking them for my gifts. Coming from a large family it was a lengthy exercise although I’m sure that my handwriting was better back then that it is now! Not only did the letter writing help me to improve my handwriting skills but it also gave me a sense of appreciation, these days a quick email or text seems to suffice.

I would encourage you to send a letter if possible however a well written email will do. Please note that if sending a letter by post then I would suggest that you type the content but handwrite your name at the end and the name of the person you are sending it to.

There are 4 main types of letters to consider as follows:

1)Cover Letters Most people forget to accompany a cover letter when sending a CV especially those applying for roles internally with their existing employer. I would suggest that you ALWAYS include a cover letter even if it’s not requested.

2)Thank You Letters Send a note to say thank you to everyone who interviews you within 1-2 days of your meeting reminding the employer why you are the right person for their role. Even if you feel the role is not for you still send a thank you note and make a lasting impression.

3)Acceptance Letters Many people fail to send a letter to accept a job offer which can leave the employer wondering if you are going to start! Remember to write your acceptance rather than just making a telephone call.

4)Resignation Letters Whether you are glad to be leaving your existing employer or genuinely sad it’s important to remain professional and ensure that you leave behind a positive lasting impression. You never know when you might meet again!

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global www.chillipepperglobal.com, advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 15 July 2010

L is for...Love

“Find a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”

Whilst it might seem impossible to love every aspect of your job, it’s important that you discover what type of work you enjoy and spend your time and energies on securing that work.

Knowing that so much of our time is spent in the work place and travelling to and from work it’s vital that you enjoy your job. It’s not practical or healthy to leave a job we dislike only to do the same role again in a new company!

Before joining the world of recruitment I worked for Nomura and it didn’t take long before I was jumping out of bed on a Monday morning buzzing with excitement to get to work. I loved going to work, in fact I loved every minute of the day. You see, whilst at work I had met the man of my dreams (we have since married) and my job became irrelevant. However, as I mentioned above “you have to fall in love with your work” not fall in love at work! So, after a period of time I left and moved on because I realized that I really didn’t like my job and falling in love was NOT a reason to stay!

Another example is my sister Angela who left University not knowing what to do with her career and came to me for some help in her search for employment. Over a period of 5 years I was able to secure her roles with Morgan Stanley and Barclays Capital, however, she wasn’t happy with life in the City. Angela retrained and using her degree she became a Senior School Teacher. After 7 years working as a teacher in the UK she is now living in Perth, Australia, continuing to work as a teacher and having the time of her life – she found her passion, something that she loves…

Having identified what it is that you love about your job you can then start to recognise your abilities and skills within this area. Be honest and ask yourself “How can I build on my skills to enable me to be the best at what I do?”

Whilst I wouldn’t recommend for you to quit your day job and go back to school, I would, however, like to encourage you to think about how you could free up an hour of your time each week to build on your existing skills or learn a completely new skill? Perhaps you could use your travel time to work differently, take a lunch break or book a training session into your diary. Remember that we tend to do those important tasks that are booked into our diary.

We can sometimes get ourselves into what may seem to be a never ending cycle of work, sleep and very little play, however, there is a way out and you can love the work that you do…find your passion, something that you love

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global www.chillipepperglobal.com, advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process, guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 8 July 2010

I is for...Internal Interviews

A majority of internal candidates believe that they have a greater chance of securing an internal role as they already have their foot in the door…think again!

It makes sense for an employer to recruit internally before they consider external candidates. Providing existing employees with new challenges or promotions is great for company morale and having a high retention rate is a great achievement for any business. Other factors to consider include utilising existing talent of individuals who have already bought into the company. These people already understand the systems and processes and are familiar with the company culture and the vision of the organisation.

Why then do so many internal candidates feel disheartened when they are not offered the opportunity within?

I have listed 5 key points as to how internal candidates can ensure they become their company’s preferred choice when hiring:

1) Preparation - Internal candidates can sometimes forget that they need to prepare in the same way as they would for an external interview. It’s important that you update your CV with the most current information and don’t assume that because you work for the firm that the interviewer will know all about you. One of the most common mistakes made by an internal candidate is to hold back on information about their skills and experience.

2) Promote Yourself - Whilst it can feel awkward to sell yourself to someone that you already know or have worked alongside it’s important that you promote yourself in the same way that other candidates will be doing. Provide the same amount of detail as you would for any external role.

3) Don’t Assume - The interviewer doesn’t necessarily understand your role fully on the basis that they work for the company, ensure that you provide all the detail and leave nothing out, by providing limited information you may cost yourself the opportunity

4) Presentation - Dress to impress regardless of dress policies within the organisation. Make an effort and show that you’re interested.

5) Networking - Is the role really what you want? Utilise your contacts by networking internally, speak to your peers within that team and find out more about the person who will be interviewing you, what do they expect from their staff, what are their values within the department.

Please note that it’s important that you ask questions and show that you are interested in the role, always send a thank you note or email regardless to how well you know the person. Be enthusiastic and don’t be afraid to ask for the job if that’s what you want!

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global www.chillipepperglobal.com, advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 1 July 2010

H is for...Habits

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

Habits are routines of behavior that are repeatedly regularly. Throughout our day we form dozens of routine habits to include the time we get out of bed, brush our teeth, the route we take to work, the time we go to lunch, the time we leave the office, the journey home from work, the TV programs we watch, the time we go to bed.

Other habits which can affect our health include smoking, poor diet, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise and stress. We also have ‘funny’ or our friends, family or partners might call them ‘irritating’ habits whether it’s something we say or do on a regular basis.

But, let’s not focus on the bad habits let’s focus on the good habits and especially those habits that successful interviewees adopt when seeking new job opportunities. There are many to choose from however I have focused on the following 5 key points:

1)Positive Attitude – Whilst it can be difficult to remain positive when seeking new employment it is absolutely vital that you keep a smile on your face. Attending interviews feeling negative will have a HUGE impact on how you perform during interview.

2)Preparation and Practice – It’s an old cliché but….”fail to prepare, prepare to fail” You can’t prepare too much for an interview, do your homework and find out everything you can about the company / department and the people you will be meeting. Practice your interview answers by writing them down or even record yourself until you feel confident with the answer you hear.

3)Proactive – Input Activity = Output Results. Being proactive or taking ACTION in your job search can be quite difficult when working in a full time job however, if you’re serious about finding a new job then you need to dedicate some time to ensure that you’re ahead of your competition. If on the other hand you are not working then it’s your job to find a job and therefore you should be putting in the hours on a daily basis.

4)Networking – nearly 80% of jobs are filled direct via internal referrals, company websites and various job board sites therefore it is important that you’re not relying solely on Recruitment Agencies. Strong job seekers are aware that networking is a vital part of the job seeking process and are always looking for opportunities to meet or connect with new people.

5)Follow Up – Without follow up then a meeting, interview or new contact is an empty hole. It is in your interest to ensure that you follow up every lead and interview. Send a note to say thank you to everyone who interviews you reminding the employer why you are the right person for their role. Even if the role is not for you still send a thank you note and make a good impression.

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global www.chillipepperglobal.com, advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Friday 25 June 2010

C is for...Confidence

“Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it”

Truly confident people can brighten a room just by walking into it. But confidence that isn’t based on something real can easily slip into empty posturing – which is toxic for interviewers.

It’s only natural to feel nervous when attending interviews but on the other hand people will lose confidence in you if you are over confident. Take a look at the following 5 techniques that will keep you focused and ensure you come across with the natural, easy confidence of a strong candidate whether you are looking to move internally with your existing employer or external with a new company:

1. Confidence = Preparation – You can’t prepare too much for an interview, do your homework and find out everything you can about the company / department and the people you will be meeting. Practice your interview answers by writing them down or even record yourself until you feel confident with the answer you hear.

2. Eye Contact and Smile – First impressions count so smile genuinely and maintain eye contact when saying “hello” to everyone you meet including the receptionist on arrival, the security guard on the door and your interviewer and his/her PA. Build an instant rapport, show people that you’re truly confident

3. Strong Handshake – Extending your hand should be part of an introduction, not a replacement for using your voice. When shaking hands avoid a limp handshake but on the reverse do not grip too hard. Practice with a friend until you feel confident with your handshake

4. Be Yourself – Don’t try and portray yourself as someone who you think your interviewer might want you to be. Whilst you still have to remain professional during an interview if you can’t be yourself then the company / department isn’t for you. Imagine starting a new job and having to be someone else all day, how will this affect your confidence?

5. Exit the Interview with Confidence – Accept that your not going to get every job you interview for however do not ask if you can contact the interviewer for feedback in the event that you’re unsuccessful. Leave the interview feeling positive and confident that you will be offered the job

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Friday 18 June 2010

Who Supports the Internal Candidate?

Not every employee is looking to leave their company when feeling the need for a new challenge and for those who would like to look at internal opportunities who is there to support these individuals through the selection process?

It is rare for any recruiter to assist an individual who is looking to move internally, it is their job to entice them out of their current organisation and place them into a role where they can charge a placement fee. Therefore existing employees are not going to approach an agency to tempt them to leave but having support whilst interviewing would be a huge benefit to their career

So it would seem that there is little or perhaps no support to individuals that would like to move internally to achieve the promotion or change of role they deserve.

Within this current market more employers are identifying candidates internally as opposed to reaching out to the external market, firstly it’s cheaper and secondly they have the talent sitting within the company, individuals who understand the systems, the environment and what is expected from them.

There is no doubt that competition in the City is fierce and this is no different for those that are looking to move internally. It always amazes me how many internal candidates do not prepare for an interview and therefore do not treat it in the same way as attending an external interview.

Before looking to move internally it’s important that you assess whether the move is realistic - for example if you have only been in your current role for 6 months then it’s unlikely that your manager will approve the move. It’s also important that you inform your manager of your intentions, they could actually help you and have some influence with the person who’s interviewing

Internal candidates can sometimes forget that they need prepare in the same way as they would for an external interview. It’s important that you update your CV with the most current information and don’t assume that because you work for the firm that the interviewer will know all about you. One of the most common mistakes made by an internal candidate is to hold back on information about their skills and experience.

Whilst it can feel awkward to sell yourself to someone that you already know or have worked alongside it’s important that you promote yourself in the same way that other candidates will be doing. Provide the same amount of detail as you would for any external role.

Also, don’t assume that the interviewer understands your role fully on the basis that they work for the company, ensure that you provide all the detail and leave nothing out, by providing limited information you may cost yourself the opportunity

Another point to remember is dress to impress regardless of dress policies within the organisation. Make an effort and show that you’re interested.

Is the role really what you want? Utilise your contacts by networking internally, speak to your peers within that team and find out more about the person who will be interviewing you, what do they expect from their staff, what are their values within the department.

Ask questions that show you are interested and send a thank you email regardless to how well you know the person.

And lastly be enthusiastic and don’t be afraid to ask for the job if that’s what you want!

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/, advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step whether you are looking to move internally or externally.

Thursday 27 May 2010

How to Give Your Best Performance in an Interview, by Partners With You

The Handshake
Your handshake contributes to the impression that you make and can determine how the interviewer treats you. Limp or overly strong handshakes are the 2 extremes, but what does your handshake say about you?

Sitting Positively
Push your bottom into the back of the chair
Sit upright in your chair
Pull your head up so that you have a “level” gaze
Allow your legs to be relaxed or lightly crossed
Allow your arms to res in an “open” or lightly crossed position

Eye Contact
Eye contact is really important in communication. It helps you to focus and allows the interviewer to open up and therefore improves the flow of the conversation. When you are communicating well you have more eye contact as the listener than the speaker. When you are talking you naturally look away to think. When you are listening you have more eye contact, which shows you are interested.

Build immediate rapport with your interviewer by subtly matching and mirroring. We do mean subtly – you do not want to mimic your interviewer’s action, but to mirror their style of behaviour.

Genuine Smiles
Bared teeth and dead eyes create the look of a snarling animal.
When you next meet your interviewer, think of something that makes you smile – your children, your partner, the interviewer in their underwear – anything so long as when you greet your interviewer you are thinking “Happy”
Smiling adds warmth and animation to the voice and to the face, stopping you look stiff and ridged

Next time you are in an interview imagine you are talking to a friend in the pub, it can help you relax and be less fearful. This helps you to look and sound more natural, brings your personality into the conversation and can make you more accessible to the interviewer.

A great way to add variety and change the mood of your interview is to consider your energy level - what will be most effective and when? Changing the energy level changes your style vocally and physically. Having high energy portrays enthusiasm and vitality whereas low energy can give weight and gravitas to the message. Whatever you do DON’T stay at the same energy level throughout – it will be boring!

Use Humour
If your interviewer laughs it relaxes them and you. Use your natural wit and spontaneity however DON’T tell a joke unless you're a comedian!

The Pause
Use the pause! It's dramatic and powerful. It breaks up your speech patterns and makes you sound more interesting. It gives time for the interviewer to assimilate your message and it also gives you time to think about what on earth you're going to say next!

Less is More
You're better off saying less and having more impact than droning on with every fact available; potentially losing the interviewer so that they remember nothing. Keep your message clear and concise – it will have more impact!

Enthusiasm is infectious. If you've had a number of interviews and are therefore repeating your answers or questions it may no longer enthuse you, the interviewer will also become bored senseless too! You need to find something to be enthusiastic about. It could be changing your answer or asking a different question, how you will solve their problem by hiring you but above all be enthusiastic about something!

Answering Questions
How do you answer an easy question? You lean forward, smile, keep eye contact - appear confident. How do you answer a challenging question or one you don't know the answer to? You look away, physically pull back, grimace, cough - appear unconfident? No! You physically and vocally do the same as if you knew the answer and are comfortable with the question, thereby giving the impression of not being fazed, being confident and capable!

Partners With You are specialists in enabling professional individuals to feel more confident. They utilise the skills of professional actors who are able to pass on tips, techniques and skills gained from years of experience in their chosen field.

Partners With You have clients across all industry sectors. You will benefit from the interactive training which will help you to resolve your communication issues and enable you to feel more confident in interviews.

If you would like to know more about Partners With You please visit their website http://www.partnerswithyou.co.uk/ call Sally on 01923 842435 referencing Chilli Pepper Global

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Your 14 Point Checklist

When it comes to writing your CV, you need to be hard on yourself. We hate to break it to you, but reading your CV is a chore for any employer and, given the slightest excuse they’ll gladly bin it and move on to the next one. They don’t even need to feel guilty about this. After all, if you’re prepared to represent yourself with a document that contains clichés, typos or confusing language, why should they take you seriously as a candidate?

So treat your CV as a serious project. Put aside plenty of time and make it as good as it can possibly be. It’s like getting dressed up for a wedding – everything should be crisp, clean and elegantly turned out. Nothing less will do. The tips below should help you to get it in shape.

However, as well as avoiding the obvious pitfalls, you also need to make sure your CV contains the goods. This means understanding how the system works. For example, CVs are mostly scanned rather than read. The employer will look out for evidence of specific experience, relevant qualifications and certain key sentences that show understanding of the role. So you’ll need to tailor your CV accordingly.

There’s no need to become obsessive. Just put in the things the employer wants to see and leave out the things no one wants to see. In essence try and make it as easy as possible for someone to find what they need within your CV as quickly as possible so they gain a favourable overall impression of who you are and what you have to offer.

1)Make sure you have an up to date CV in Word or PDF format
Obvious, yes, but trust us on this: if your dream job suddenly came along, you really wouldn’t want to be staying up beyond midnight desperately updating a five year old CV. Also, by up to date I mean some time in the last 6 months at most.

2)Don’t get too ‘creative’
Take care that your CV is clearly formatted, so it’s easy to read and looks professional. For printed copies, use good quality white paper and plain fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman in black print. Avoid italics, underlining or lined borders.

Regarding electronic delivery, remember: anything that hinders the smooth delivery of your CV to the right person’s desk must be ruthlessly eliminated.

There are two particular problems with overly complex formats:
1. They don’t always look the same on someone else’s computer.
2. They take longer to download which may mean they never get there.

Make sure you give your CV the best possible chance to get read.

3)Try to keep it to 2 pages
If you can’t sell yourself in 2 pages then it’s unlikely you’ll do it in 3 or 4. Yes, your CV should be kept updated but, no, this doesn’t mean it must grow in length. Each time you add new detail at the front, remove or minimise less recent or less important experience.

4)Use clear, simple language that people understand
Avoid all abbreviations, acronyms and industry jargons unless they are absolutely standard and unavoidable within your particular working niche. Even then be careful and always veer towards the conservative side.

5)Check and check and check again
How often are you irritated by spelling or grammar mistakes in documents? What does it make you feel about the writer? If that writer was you, how do you think a prospective employer would feel? Not a comforting thought, is it. So make sure every word is correct. However, don’t be too hard on yourself. Checking your own text isn’t easy, computer spell checks are useful but inconsistent (sometimes even misleading). The best solution is to ask reliable friends or relatives to proof read the text for you. Another useful tip, if you’re not sure about a sentence, is to put it into Google with inverted commas either side. If it doesn’t appear anywhere there might be something wrong with it. If it comes up nine million times, it’s probably a cliché. However, friends, especially those with writing skills, will always be your best bet.

6)Personal information is no longer necessary
Following the introduction of the discrimination law in October 2006 it is no longer required to state your marital status, number of children or place of birth.

7)Keep your email address and voice messages professional
What amuses your friends is unlikely to impress a potential employer. A sense of humour is important but you must always lead on your professionalism.

8)Never, ever lie
You could lose your job or, worse, face legal action from your new employer. Perhaps in the past people got away with lying on their CV. No longer. Many companies now outsource their referencing department and there are strict procedures in place to ensure NOTHING goes unnoticed. If you’re unsure of details such as qualification grades then take the time to find them out, but under no circumstances should you try and guess them.

9)Don’t hide gaps in your CV
Instead, explain them. If a prospective employer discovers a gap they may be inclined to draw their own conclusions as to what you were doing and why you didn’t mention it. Don’t give them any opportunity to feel nervous or unsure about you.

10)Don’t enclose a photograph
Not unless specifically asked to do so. Unfortunately people can sometimes pre-judge on appearance. Also, photographs can bulk up the size of an electronic CV and slowing its download time or even causing it to be rejected (see point 2).

11)Avoid using the 1st person
To keep your CV document professional we advise candidates against using the terms ‘me’, ‘my’ or ‘I’.

12)Always print off a copy to review before sending
We don’t know why but somehow it’s easier to pick up minor errors from a printed copy. So take the trouble to print out any CV as soon as it’s finished and then read it to yourself out loud.

13)Keep a copy with you at all times
You could keep it in your briefcase so you can review it at different times of day in different circumstances. You might just get ideas about how to make parts of it stronger.

14)Don’t skimp on it – this is your most important job finding tool
For some reason a lot of people regard writing their CV as a chore to complete on rainy Sunday mornings every year or so. Yet this is the document that could decide how much you earn over the next few years. Don’t skimp. Work on it, review it, obsess over it - try anything you can to make it better.

Time invested in your CV is time invested in your future.

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step all the way.

Monday 17 May 2010

It's a Numbers Game

I’m surprised by the number of people who don’t treat looking for a new job as a job itself. This is especially the case if they are not currently working. Too often I hear from people who are disappointed by the fact that they haven’t got any interviews arranged from one week to the next. I will give you an example of a recent conversation I had with a client:

Client: Nikki, I’ve now been out of work for 6 weeks and I have yet to secure an interview.
Me: OK, how many jobs have you applied for?
Client: I’ve sent my CV to 6 jobs.
Me: OK, you’ve been out of work for 6 weeks and applied for 6 jobs?
Client: Yes, that’s correct.
Me: So basically you have applied for just 1 job a week?
Client: Yes.
Me: On the basis that you are applying for 1 job a week are you now surprised that you haven’t received any invitations to interview?
Client: I guess I need to apply for more jobs.

Input Activity = Output Results

I appreciate it’s difficult to look for new opportunities when working as it’s not always possible to search the internet and make phone calls when in the office.

If, however, you are out of work then you should be making it your job to find a new one. This means spending the whole day as you would otherwise, as if you were at work.

You should be searching the internet, calling potential employers and networking with recruiters, ex colleagues and friends within your industry. Another great excuse is to say, “I have called my agency and there aren’t any suitable opportunities that fit my skill set right now.” Then sit back and either wait for them to call you or make the same call again the following week.

Jobs won’t come knocking on your door YOU have to put the effort in to find them.

Everyday employers are making job offers to someone and by taking the appropriate ACTION that someone could be YOU.

Jack Canfield
“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step.

Friday 14 May 2010

Recession Blessing in Disguise?

I can honestly say that the recession of the early 1990’s had no effect on my life what so ever. My father a policeman and my mother a housewife with 4 children to support, always managed, and still do live within their means. Don’t get me wrong, as children we never went without and enjoyed holidays abroad every year, but if my parents were finding it difficult then I was never made aware of the fact.

I left school in 1990 to go to work at the age of 17, I bought a brand new car at the age of 18 and my first house by the time I was 20. Everything was great and a decade later I found myself self employed and running a successful Investment Banking recruitment business with my husband and his business partner. Life couldn’t be better.

Then, without any prior warning, the financial markets crisis hit in early 2008 and RECESSION hit the globe.

So now, I’m 35 with 2 young children to support and a modest mortgage and lifestyle to maintain. My world was starting to crack around me. Having no income for the first time in 20 years meant that I had to make some serious changes to my life. I sat and hoped for a number of months and do you know what happened? NOTHING! My confidence had been knocked sideways, my self esteem was lower than low, so what did I do?

Firstly, I had to identify what it was that I LOVE about my job.
Secondly, I had to look at myself and get back my SELF BELIEF. I had to write down my goals and devise a plan as to how I was going to get back on the road to success.
Thirdly, I had to stop making excuses, doing nothing and instead change my mindset and take ACTION.

We are all faced with challenges at some stage in our lives and I'm passionate about helping others to create the life they deserve. With no work for over a year, 2009 for me was a life changing experience although it took me almost a year to realize!

Martin Luther King, Jr.“The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand in times of challenge and controversy.”

Nikki Hutchison, founder of Chilli Pepper Global http://www.chillipepperglobal.com/ advising you on every aspect of the job seeking process guiding you step by step.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Cover Letters

DO NOT underestimate the purpose of a good cover letter. Cover letters allow the individual to highlight their personal qualities and accomplishments that could differentiate them from other applicants. The cover letter will also allow the individual to draw the reader’s attention to the parts of their background and experience that are most relevant to the specific job. It is important to note that for each individual application made that both the cover letter and the CV need to be tailored according to the role in question. Make the cover letter personal by investigating and finding out the name of the HR contact who is responsible for the interview process or the name of the hiring manager.

Most people forget to accompany a cover letter when sending a CV. I would suggest that you always include a cover letter even if it’s not requested. Your cover letter should be kept short and specific and ensure to inform the reader what you can do for them, address their needs rather than your own. Draw the reader to what is relevant on your CV to the job they require to fill. Do not mention salary on your cover letter, if requested then always best to provide a range as opposed to a fixed figure.

An example could read as follows:


Regarding the (INSERT JOB TITLE) position currently advertised on (SOURCE OF INFORMATION), please find attached a copy of my CV for your consideration.

Having worked within the industry for over (INSERT YEARS EXPERIENCE), I have developed a wide range of skills that would meet, and exceed the expectations for the role.

In my present role as a (INSERT CURRENT JOB TITLE) for (INSERT CURRENT EMPLOYER) I have (INSERT YOUR EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE AND ACHIEVEMNETS THAT IS RELEVANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS ON THE JOB SPEC). I would relish the opportunity to bring this level of experience to your company. (It’s important to note that this information is not a duplicate of your CV but it’s to sell your experience and achievements that might not be highlighted / obvious by reading the CV)

If you would like to get in touch to discuss my application or to arrange an interview, please contact me via (INSERT PHONE NUMBER AND/OR EMAIL ADDRESS)

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely


Friday 7 May 2010

That Porridge Story

With the right encouragement my daughter age 5 excels in everything she puts her mind to, my son age 4 on the other hand gives up with ease, he starts school in September and I’m not entirely convinced he’s ready, until this morning that is...

At 6:30am Jack decided it was time for him to get up, not that early some might say but for me I wasn’t getting out of my bed until 7am! I did in fact go downstairs put on the Peppa Pig DVD, gave Jack a bowl of his favourite breakfast Cheerios and went back to bed for half an hour.

After 10mins of being back in bed I hear Jack shouting up the stairs ‘Mummy, I want porridge’ I shout back a too often response ‘in a minute.’

At 7am my alarm goes off, I get out of bed, shower and dress before going down into the kitchen.

On entering the kitchen I wasn’t prepared for the sight I was about to see, picture this…

Jack was standing on a chair in his PJ’s by the microwave stirring a full to the brim jug of milk mixed with porridge oats, it was EVERYWHERE. My initial reaction was to shout however Jack turned around looked at me with a BIG smile and said ‘I’m making the porridge Mummy’

What could I do? My heart melted and for what was probably the first time ever I laughed at the state of my kitchen!

Little people like Jack believe they can do anything and they live in this wonderful world where there is no such word as ‘CAN’T’. We have ALL been there however at some point during our lives we loose our self believe and start to doubt our abilities.

In order to create the life you deserve you need to become more like Jack and

Have DESIRE, know what it is that you want to achieve
Have BELIEF, know that you can achieve your desires
Take the relevant ACTION

Thank you for reading my Blog more to follow soon

Thursday 11 February 2010

Your first step to success

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We'll take you through everything you need to know about representing yourself. And once you¹ve landed that all-important first interview we¹ll guide you through the interview process all the way to offer stage, coaching you on everything you need to secure that dream job.